Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pioneer Woman

My sick computer has been healed! Well, actually I buried it in the backyard under the oak tree. But now I have a new (and very welcome) addition. I have now entered the Mac World, and am finding it a very nice place to be.

My new favorite place to wander in Mac World is the Pioneer Woman's
blog. I was first introduced to Ree through her cookbook, The Pioneer Woman Cooks. She's a city-girl turned country-lover, homeschooling mother of four, and creative to the core. You should wander on over too!

I made her chocolate chip cookies for work the other day...yummy. They have a nice heaping teaspoon of instant coffee granules that give them that special little something. I'd post a picture of them if they weren't already gobbled up. Maybe next time...I've got my eye on her chicken parm right now. I think a trip to Wal-Mart may be in store for the day. So, while I head to the store, hop on over to visit the Pioneer Woman. But beware, you might drool a bit as you browse through her cooking section, so have a paper towel or bib handy!

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

I have made several of her recipes and they were WONDERFUL! Isn't the whole book so beautiful?! I love it! Let me know how the chicken is..........